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June 7th 2011 by Claire

Check out our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Backpack in the LMFAO Party Rock Video!

TMNT Truffleshuffle

We've been singing along to LMFAO's killer tune Party Rock Anthem a fair old bit since it hit the number one spot in the charts a few weeks back but somehow, we've only just caught the video and it's gone up even further up in our estimations.

One of the dancers is only wearing our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Backpack in the opening scene! Cowabunga!

Check it out below and see for yourself.... it's about 40 seconds in!

Back in stock very soon, click the pic above to be added to the waiting list and we'll drop you an email as soon as more stock arrives. It gets the party started all right!

And don't forget to check out the rest of our awesome Turtles merch while you're here....

We're especially loving our new range of men's turtles loungewear including these beauties...

The perfect way of expressing your appreciation for the talented pizza loving green ninjas! Turtle power!!