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April 18th 2012 by Claire

To the freezer.....

Sure to stir many a memory of those hazy days of Summer back when you were kid, we just had to share this amazing illustration from the uber talented Carolyn Verkuyl

If, like us, a 10p jumbo icepop from the corner shop was a regular after school treat, we're betting you'll agree with everything about her Anatomy of a jumo freezie picture!

Only thing missing in our opinion is a mention of the nasty white section where you'd sucked all the flavour out already..... ugh!

And as a load of our facebook fans pointed out, for those of us who couldn't wait for the scissors and just bit the top off with our teeth, there was also the dreaded jaggedy edges and then obligatory spitting out of bits of plastic to navigate before you could get to the good stuff!


Check it out below and prepare for the stirrings of nostalgia folks!

anatomy of an icepop Now if only that corner shop still existed!