The official home of cool t-shirts, retro gifts & more....

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September 26th 2012 by Michelle

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice! The 3 little words you want to hear from your favourite retailer of retro t-shirts! The 1988 Tim Burton film has been on TruffleShuffles 'want' list for a while now, so we're super happy to announce the addition to the site!

With clips like this - who could blame us for loving the cult classic?

Any fan of the cult 1988 film will remember Michael Keaton's smooth delivery of the line featured on our first tee - 'I'm the ghost with the most, babe'. Entrusted with the role of bio-exorsist it was Beetlejuice's job to remove a new family from the house of two recently deceased ghosts, an absolute 80's classic!

Ladies Beetlejuice T-Shirts >

Mens Beetlejuice T-Shirts >

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Next to hit the TruffleShuffle shelves - are the dark heather tees, featuring Lydia, the family child - played by Winona Ryder.

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For a full selection of retro inspired tees, including our new Beetlejuice t-shirts, check out TruffleShuffle - all new items are featured on the homepage!

Remember to keep up to date with us on TruffleShuffle Facebook page, the TruffleShuffle Twitter page and the TruffleShuffle Tumblr page! (That way, you wont miss a thing when it comes to new ranges hitting the site!)

Happy Shopping! Xoxo