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December 25th 2020 by Iain

Merry Christmas From All At TruffleShuffle! + Opening Hours/Days 2020

Merry Christmas one and all! We hope you managed to get all your preparations done and can now get fully stuck into some festivities and of course... presents!

From all of us here at TruffleShuffle, we'd like to wish you the biggest Merry Christmas and a huge thank you for all your support through 2020. It's been weird and wild and we hope you're all safe and can see out the year in style.



We're off the rest our weary legs and minds and take some time to recoup before we welcome in a new year... but not for long though! Rest assured, we're already working on exciting things 2021 so stay tuned.

If you need us for anything at all, our opening hours and times are available HERE on the website and below...

Friday 25th December CLOSED

Saturday 26th December CLOSED

Sunday 27th December CLOSED

Monday 28th December CLOSED

Tuesday 29th December 9am-5pm

Wednesday 30th December 9am-5pm

Thursday 31st December 10am-3pm

Friday 1st January CLOSED

During opening hours, you can contact us via phone, email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, live chat, Skype and more.

Any messages received out of hours will be responded too as quickly as possible but there may be delays.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and New Year!