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September 12th 2011

Great Scott! Back for the Future???

Being a child of the 80s meant that I grew up being 'WOWed' by a whole host of amazing movies such as Goonies, E.T, Labyrinth and Ghostbusters. But there is one movie that I watched so much I managed to wear out the VHS tape, this movie was Back to the Future 2.

If you haven't ever seen Back to the Future 2, where have you been?

The story is about a character called Marty McFly who has only just got back from the past (Back to the Future), when he is picked up by Dr. Emmett Brown in his DeLorean time machine and sent through time to the future, 2015 to be precise. Marty's job in the future is to pose as his son to prevent him being thrown in prison. Unfortunately, things get worse when the future changes the present. Check out the original trailer below...

Being a car and gadget obsessed youngster there were a whole host of reasons to make me excited about this movie, the DeLorean time machine now being able to fly, Hover Boards, pretty much everything to do with 2015 (The future looks amazing) but there is one thing in this movie I remember wanting more than anything else. Marty McFly's Nike Sneakers! The light-up emblem and power laces blew me away. These are the best shoes never made....

Not any more..... 22 years later and Nike have (kind of) made my dreams come true with the 2011 Nike MAG....

Nike MAG Sneakers

Want to know more about these famous sneaks? Well, The glowing LED panel is there as is the electroluminescent NIKE logo on the strap. The foam support in the ankle and toe box have been increased for comfort which differs from the original in the “Back to the Future” movie. The MAG can be illuminated by pinching the corner of the high top. The feature itself makes it the first rechargeable footwear from Nike. Each shoe holds a five hour charge.

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July 16th 2011

Get your fangs into this Teen Wolf Fans!

So has anyone been watching the new small screen version of Teen Wolf?

Obviously, here at TruffleShuffle, we're HUGE fans of the original movie so it was with some trepidation that we thought we'd give the new TV version a go. It premiered in the states back in June on MTV and it's now being shown over here on Sundays and Thursdays on Sky Living at 8pm!

The story centres around socially awkward Scott McCall (played by Tyler Posey who also appeared in Maid in Manhattan, Brothers and Sisters), the quintessential outsider, whose life is turned upside down after a terrifying encounter with a werewolf. To Scott’s amazement, his body begins to develop super-human abilities overnight. Life has never been so good for once unnoticed Scott, who, thanks to his new found success in the school lacrosse team soon becomes the most popular and desirable guy in school.

If that's whet your appetite, here's the trailer.....

Will his new gift prove to be a blessing or a curse though? Only time will tell!

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