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December 23rd 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown... Christmas Special 2015!

Mistletoe and wine! Tis the season already??

Ho Ho Ho! Once again we find ourselves riding the sleigh of retro movie awesomeness though the clouds and the night sky. With our trusty reindeer leading the way as we go, we'll spread the word or top retro movies to each and every house we pass as they prepare to tuck into some eagerly anticipated festivities. Feeling fit to bust with each mouthful l of celluloid wonder, we'll kick back, relax and let only the finest and most nostalgic characters and scenes soothe our brow.

Have a happy Christmas!

Christmas Eve


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July 4th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 106

Readers Digest! The weekend has landed!

In a packed out newsagents, smelling of sugary sweets and the the local rags piled on the floor ready for the paper boy. We stand leaning up at the towering shelf of bright and colourful glossy magazines, flicking through the shiny and sharp pages searching high and low as we hunt in desperation for retro movie goodness and as much celluloid wonder as we can get our eager hands on.

Have a happy retro weekend!


Little Shop of Horrors (1986) Sky Movies Comedy 3:25pm-5:10pm (1 hour 45 minutes)

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January 10th 2014

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 82!

Alphabetti Spaghetti! Looks like the Weekend to me!

Once Upon a cloudy sky. Amongst a thick hazy Forrest, sat hunched over on a hollowed out log, gazing wearily over a steaming boggy marsh. Let us be your be-shaggled woodland Troll as we dribble, droll and blow snot bubbles in anticipation of something slimy and squidgy or boney and crunchy to eat. We'll be poised and ready to pounce onto some cinematic greatness, we'll prepare our nasty nosh with herbs and sprinkles of movie magic before we devoir the whole thing in one single gulp and belch out some celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!


Stargate (1994) 5*  5:10pm-7:30pm (2 hours 20 minutes)

An Egyptologist and a soldier head an expedition through a mysterious portal to an alien planet. The world they find resembles ancient Egypt and is under the rule of a tyrant who has convinced the downtrodden inhabitants that he is a god - until the humans incite the enslaved populace to fight back. Sci-fi adventure, starring Kurt Russell, James Spader and Jaye Davidson

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November 22nd 2013

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 77!

Montgomery Burns! It's the Weekend!

So at the back of a bustling busy restaurant amongst stacks of dirty dishes and cutlery let us be your eager to please Kitchen hand, as we hold aloft our scrubbing brush of retro movie awesomeness, let us hose down mounds of crud covered pots with a jettison of cinematic greatness before we stand in awe at a glistening mountain of celluloid wonder.

Have a happy retro weekend!


Cocoon (1985) Film4  2:50pm-5:05pm (2 hours 15 minutes)

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