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August 24th 2014

Classic Retro Toys You Didn't Get As a Kid But Can Buy Now!

We've all been there, when there is that one toy, game or gadget that seems like the perfect thing ever. It will solved all of life's problems, it will make you happier than anything and for as long as you could possibly imagine and well....everyone else had one!

But alas! Not every toy that kept you up at night just thinking about would ever be yours, but don't let that crush your dreams! That thing you wanted more than ever back then is possibly still up for grabs and now nobody can say that most evil word 'no'.

To refresh some of these childhood memories and perhaps dive into our back pockets and start waving money at whoever stands in the way of us and our childhood dreams, we thought we would put together some of our top toys and gadgets we wanted back in the day but never got. Take a peep!



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