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February 12th 2016

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 183

Sweet potato pie! How can it be? Another retro movie weekend so soon? Well....if we must!

Like the first pioneering pilots ever to reach the skies, we find ourselves once again doing some last-minute checks before our big leap of faith into the weekend. Sofa....check! Snacks....check! Top retro betcha! Firing up our engines, we'll power our way down the runway before lifting into the unknown. Reaching dizzying heights before we even know it, we'll be fired off to far and distant lands like some of the most iconic characters ever to hit the silver screen where more adventures than we can even imagine await us.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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February 5th 2016

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 182

Great balls of fire! Another weekend, another amazing chance to catch some top retro films!

Trekking our way through the jungle like a khaki wearing explorer, we find ourselves totally and completely surrounded with classic movie wilderness. Each turn will lead to previously unseen territory where we could learn more around the worth around us, find new lands and discover something completely new. Like this weekend's top picks for retro goodness, there are no wrong turns, just new adventures.

Have a happy retro weekend!



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January 29th 2016

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 181

Blow us down! It's another weekend? So soon? Well....okay then!

Fighting our way down another windy avenue, we find ourselves being pushed and pulled around from one side to another like trying to pick which top retro films from our list we should choose from. Will it be comedy, sci-fi or perhaps a thriller??

Have a happy retro weekend!



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August 8th 2015

The Weekly Retro Movie Rundown 159

Bubblewrap and boxes! It's the weekend all over again and it's time for another installment of our retro movie rundown!

Like two eager and determined house hunters, we find ourselves searching each and every avenue in the hunt for that perfect property that will tick all the right boxes, give us that warm feeling and become our brand a brand new home. We'll fill it with all our worldly possessions, set everything just so and capture the whole adventure onto celluloid wonder ready to rediscover in years to come and say....look how young we looked!

Have a happy retro weekend.

SATURDAY 8th August


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