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Posts  >  Tag: Types of People at Concerts

April 2nd 2014

TruffleShuffle's Top Types of People at Gigs....

Calling all you gig-goers! Those of you out there who are brave enough to take on the crowds, long waits, cold queues, hot venues and rising prices for some amazing memories, exclusive merchandise and that high that only your favourite songs played full whack can achieve, listen up!

We love getting the chance to see some of our top bands do their thing, and hell getting to rock our classic band tshirts at the same time is just a match made in heaven! There are however a few funny things, qwerks and ....ermm niggles that have been bounced around the office here at TruffleTowers so we decided to jot them down and share them with you guys.

Yep, presenting out 'Top Types of People at Gigs' list! Sit back and let us guide your music filled minds through some of our recent thoughts and memories from our latest gigs and the people who we met along the way. Enjoy!


The Serial-merch Collector

Hmm maybe we might fall into this category a bit huh! There always seems to be the person who just can't help themselves but show off just how much they love the band more than you by showing up in every single item of clothing and accessory the band has ever made. Good effort but perhaps a bit much for our taste.

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