The official home of cool t-shirts, retro gifts & more....

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February 27th 2013 by Michelle

Fabric Flavours = Flavour of the month! xoxo

Us TruffleShufflers are always on the look out for cool kids clothing. As a team - we're full of parents, aunties, uncles, broody singletons and such ...always put in the position 'what should I buy for the new baby!?' I'd say it's more difficult than buying for adults - these cute little babbers haven't found their own style yet - this is why they need your help!

With the help of Fabric Flavours t-shirts - we can make sure the 'kids of the kids of the 80's' look as sharp as can be when out and about.

First up - our super cool Star Wars babygrows...

Next up we have some retro kids t-shirts, suitable for kids between 1 and 7 years old...! With the likes of Superman, Spiderman and Hulk on your side - rest assured the little nipper will always be safe!

Kids Fabric Flavours t-shirts...

Kids Fabric Flavours sweaters...

Kids Fabric Flavours booties...

Kids Fabric Flavours loungewear...

Remember...treat their style like it's your own! xoxo