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March 17th 2017 by Iain

10 Things We Learned From Beauty and the Beast....The Original.

What's that sound? Must be the huge buzz that is the amazing new live-action remake of Disney's classic take Beauty and the Beast! Hitting the big screens all over the world, this new instalment promised to bring this animated classic which was first released way back in 1991 (26 years ago! Eeeep) into the modern movie scene and audience.

This got us thinking though.... what did we learn from the original? What life gems did we take away from all those VHS (magic video tape things for you youngns) screenings at home on the telly?

To find out we had a little think and have come up with our 10 Things We Learned From Beauty and the Beast....The Original. Enjoy!

You're never too short-tempered, rich or... hairy to learn.

Okay we're going to let you into a little secret here, us TruffleShuffler's are not all the baby-faced teenagers we used to be (I know... the 80s was a long time ago now apparently), this means we're constantly learning about the latest app, social media profile live chat profile thingy we have to be amazing at suddenly. If you ever think you're done learning and you've got things covered, you couldn't be more wrong! Be the beast of learning!

Not fitting in, is awesome!

We don't know about you, but the people we look up to and admire the most are the people who are just out there being themselves and not afraid to be different! We're pretty sure Belle's father Maurice isn't ready from the same chapter as everyone else, but he isn't afraid to show it! To be weird you need to be brave, and if you've brave you can do anything.

Never judge a book by it's cover.

The Beast is.... well a beast! Horns, mad scary teeth, covered in more hair than a busy salon floor but hey, he's also kind, brave and you could say has been through a lot in his days. Mr Disney sure taught us that how someone may appear isn't always the full story. Looking at someone, you've never know their achievements, ambitions, struggles, and fears. Why just guess when you can find out for yourself. They might just surprise you.

Stick up fo yo self!

Why is Belle so gosh-darn awesome?! She's kind, brave, funny and she knows what she wants and goes for it! Is there much cooler than that? She taught us to stick up for what we believe in, what we think and what we want. She didn't let a whole village bring her down for Pete's sake!

Nobody likes an angry Beast

If you pay suuuuper close attention to the classic, you might find a few odd moments where the Beast isn't the happiest camper. Ultimately, this gets him absolutely nowhere. Things only start to go well and him and his relationships when he learns to control his anger and hate which is certainly something we took away from this Disney gem. Keep calm, keep cool and keep moving forward. Thanks Beast!

Good mates always there for you.

Never a truer world said! For us, some of the most iconic and memorable characters in a lot of stories are the supporting roles. In B&TB, Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth, Chip, Lumière, Babette and... the Wardrobe offer some of the best scenes, moments and songs and you could say this is true for life in general. They're there in times of need, they offer advice, guidance and can always help spread some cheer.

Sometimes popular people aren't all they're cracked up to be.

Remember those popular kids at school? How many of them do you really look up to now? Chances are you just don't care and are probably wondering why you ever did. The case in point here is Gaston, he can wow the crowds, can lay on the charm and get people to do what he wants, however ultimately he is the villain. Smoke and mirrors people, smoke and mirrors.

Relationship problems happen, and it doesn't mean you should give up.

This one is sad, but possibly true for a lot of us. Belle and the Beast obviously didn't always get along, but hey sometimes you've just got to look through the messy eating and temper tantrums and see the greater good in any situation. You may fall out, argue but you will also compromise and make up if you both know it's worth the fight.

People who care will offer good advice, try not to ignore them.

We're sure there's a little of Belle and a little of the Beast in all of us right? If there's one thing this absolute childhood classic taught us it's that it's the people around us who really help make things happen, transform situations and help us through almost anything. It's hard to admit you don't always know what's best, but perhaps someone else does.

Everyone is (probably) weird AF in their own homes too!

If anyone ever tells you they're not, they lying! From dancing around the house to your new favourite song like a total goon, to cupping water in your hands from the shower then dumping it all out like a giant waterfall (come on you've done it!), people like to get weird at home and that's okay, they are not alone!

So there you have them folks! These are just a few of the life-long lessons to be taken away from this total Disney classic.

Are there any that you think we missed? What things did YOU personally learn from the movie gem? Let us know by popping a comment below.

Thinking of going to see this new release? Why not look the part with something from our huge range of Beauty and the Beast Merchandise including Beauty and the Beast TShirts, Beauty and the Beast Jewellery, mugs and so much more!